About Me

We were married August 30, 2008 in the Manti Temple. We both graduated in education. I then became a stay at home and Adam became a stay at school student. He returned to college to become a Physical Therapist. And thus our life is about discovery and adventures that we get to do together.
Leelou Blogs
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By Leelou Blogs

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Being a Mom... oh the possibilities

Being a mom is something that you don't just become once your bundle of joy is born. I have discover that it is something that you have always been. All the ups and downs that came previous to having a baby only prepares you to be that much more capable of being a mom.

I love so many things that come from having a baby...
1. Adam humming to Gabriella when she refuses to go to sleep.
2. That my love for Adam has grown so much and he is so irresistible.
3. Changing a diaper only to discover moments later by certain sounds and vibrations that the job wasn't completely done.
4. Nursing... especially when she should eat but yet she would rather just look at you and smile. I know she knows what I am wanting and yet I can't help but to smile right back at her.
5. Waking up knowing I have the whole day with her. Or waking up in the middle of the night excited to go back to bed only to wake up hours later to do it all over again.
6. That Gabriella has a certain whit about her already.
7. Only to discover more so that there is a Heavenly Mother who guides you in the everyday moments of trying to be a mom.

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