About Me

We were married August 30, 2008 in the Manti Temple. We both graduated in education. I then became a stay at home and Adam became a stay at school student. He returned to college to become a Physical Therapist. And thus our life is about discovery and adventures that we get to do together.
Leelou Blogs
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By Leelou Blogs

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Simple Joys

Tonight was a hot night. But I suppose any night in an old house without air conditioning and large with child would be considered a long night. Came home, made a HOT dinner. I tried to make a spaghetti sauce using some of our fresh herbs that we are growing. Although it was all delicious, I just didn't add the right amount of basil and oregano. So it looks as though I will be spending another long hot night cooking until I get it right. The joy that came from such a hot experience was in Adam coming home after his long day to a dinner prepared and yummy.

After making such a dinner, I went with my mother-in-law to find a pattern for a baby blessing dress. Who would have thought that such a journey would leave me confused over the many options of dresses. Do you want lace? Silk? Pink roses? Bows? Or do you want it long? Extra long? Or short? The options are endless and I am still left to choose. I guess that would just tie in with the still nameless child. I can't choose a name or a dress. I think that it might be from the heat.... Even though amongst all the choices, joy came from being with my mother-in-law and just talking with her. I only wish that I could have experienced two joys in this situation, that of talking and choosing a pattern. But one joy will have to do. For now at least.

In coming home, I saw my rather attractive Adam riding his bike from studying dead bodies, as opposed to live ones, for his midterm that he has tomorrow. He did a few jumps to impress and I can openly admit that I was impressed. He is amazingly wonderful. Another joy for the day.

We then checked out our garden to see if we had won the war over the small, nasty little critters we like to call bugs. They have been destroying our plants by eating the leaves. Although I don't blame them, it just didn't seem fair that we were providing a feast for bugs that we have never met. So, we did the only thing we could do, since soaking them with water and spraying some strange potion didn't work, we killed them with bug killer. Our plants, as of tonight, were bug free. A new freedom that I hope will produce much veggies. Yeah for such inventions. I am sure that our pioneers ancestors would have loved it. Yet another joy and victory for us today.

The other joy was in going to the store, after painting our dresser in our hot house, and getting gummy worms, a sports drink (for Adam), and an icee... the joy came in paying for all of it in change. That's right, pennies, dimes, nickels, and very few quarters. Although those receiving the money didn't find the same joy that we did, it was still pleasant to me to be out with Adam, trying to enjoy life and not spend big, and to buy fun with change. Those are the moments that I love. Adam and I outside, doing whatever, the evening is cool (just not our house) and we are just together. That is a simple joy.

All and all... my day seemed filled with those simple joys. From picking tile out with my mom (I get to tile her bathrooms!! Yah fun!!) to feeling our daughter kick and not puncture any internal organ, to just being or even rushing home because our car air conditioner just doesn't seem to work unless you are going over 50 mph (you can only imagine how often that happens) so you then hope speed will improve your chances of feeling cool air- all of these amount to joys and tender mercies I look forward to and find amusing.

That is it. I just wanted to share some of my thoughts on the simple joys that I was able to be a witness of today.

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